New Director of Alumni Engagement

Hello Rockledge alumni! I’m Jacob Feinleib, the new undergraduate Director of Alumni Engagement. I’m studying physics and I’m in the class of 2026, so I’m just wrapping up my first year at Cornell. My main goal for the upcoming year is to engage with you in a more active and exciting manner, and to start that, I’ve created a survey for you to complete. I want to get a good sense of what you enjoyed and what you remember from your time in the brotherhood at Cornell. I hope this will both help you relive some of your fondest memories as well as give the current undergraduate brothers a better perspective of how we can make our years here as special as possible.


Of course, a survey doesn’t match the nostalgic experience of returning to Rockledge. So, I strongly encourage all of you to plan a trip to Ithaca in the next year to see how the house and
the campus have changed since your undergrad years. To really make your trip special, I suggest planning a trip with your family and your Rockledge brothers; even if you haven’t been in contact with them as much as you would’ve liked, this is a great way to get back in touch with some of your closest friends from your college days. This is an especially good idea for those of you with children currently enrolled at Cornell, or if your child is going on college tours, you could show them your old stomping grounds. Additionally, as you plan your trip to Ithaca, I would urge you to get in contact with me beforehand so I and all the brothers can be prepared to welcome you – my email is [email protected] and my phone number is (216) 618-8000. I will be staying at the house over the summer and next year, so if you come at any point in the next 12 months, I’ll be there.

I look forward to reading about all of your greatest memories from Rockledge in the survey, and to be in contact to welcome you back to the house if you decide to return. I invite you to reach out to me personally if you have any questions about the house, Cornell, planning a trip here, or anything else.

In Phi,
Jacob Feinleib